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Chapter 6 – Agent-based Models

Chapter 6 models of the Springer Book Agent-based business process simulation

Chapter 6. Agent-based simulation with NetLogo 


The model describes the arrival of patients to a Registration office. The model includes two kinds of agents: Patients – they perform three type of operations (“individual-ticket”, “abonament”, “other operations”), each one having a different duration (defined by average values of 2, 4, 6 minutes). Most part of operations involve the purchase of individual tickets (75%), then abonement (15%), and others (10%).


The model concerns the arrival of customers to Ticket Vending Machines (TVM). Each customer has a different age, which influence the speed of the operations (the age is modeled at random). Young people is faster (-20% of the expected time), while aged (over 65) are lower then the expected duration of the corresponding operation (+20%). TVM performs the exptected operations. They only can broken randomly (with a very low frequency), until they are repaired. In the case of a broken TVM, the corresponding customers have to move to another TVM.
The model phases are: i) customers arrive (randomly) and wait in a queue (tvm-queue) for TVM; ii) each TVM serves a customer (the duration of operations is computed); iii) if more than 3 people are waiting for personnel, some customers decide to abandon (with a certain probability, defined by a percentage in a slider)

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