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Chapter 7 – Agent-based Models

Chapter 7 models of the Springer Book “Agent-based business process simulation”

Chapter 7. Multi-Agent Systems and Business Process Management


A Petri net (PN) demonstration: import a PNML file to visualise a Place/Transition net, and execute a real-life process. The model comes from the Conformance Checking Challenge 2019 files. (
Create one or more tokens to appreciate the expected execution of the Model. Import an Event Log to visualise the real behaviour.


An introductory demo example of Petri net simulation in NetLogo. Choose a model from the existing ones (by using the “Select a model” button) or create a new model from scratch. Press GO to visualize the arrival and movement of tokens from places towards transitions


Import BPMN models in NetLogo. Select a BPMN model of interest in the slider or upload a (simple) model. You can create by Setup button the selected BPMN model or the individual steps.

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