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Chapter 4 – Agent-based Models

Chapter 4 models of the Springer Book “Agent-based business process simulation”

Chapter 4. Agent-based simulation with NetLogo 


  • BP-intro.nlogo is an introductory model about a simple business process of 5 activities and 1 gateway. This model can be the case of a small business process that concerns the execution of a certain number of production orders (entities arriving in the system) with a set of workers (staff). The orders can arrive (start event) according to a certain temporal distribution, and managed by five different activities until their completion (end event). The gateway discriminates the flow between the two concurrent branches of activities B or (C and D).
    The same model online is at the BP-intro online link.


An example to create a 3D simulation environment based on a map of a real Emergency Department. Press “setup-map” to create the ED map in NetLogo by colouring the patches. Use Orbit-Zoom-Move commands to improve visualization of some ED areas.


A demo Emergencey Department (ED) model ot introduce the adoption of ABM to study the functioning of an Hospital service.
The ED includes several activities, which are modeled as the “Patches” with different colors (each activity-patch has a label “activity”) in the corresponding space according to the ED map of the use case hospital.
Patients and operators (ED and Triage nurses, doctors and OSS) are agents moving in the environment. Each of them includes specific variables which define personal features, e.g. the kind of pathology (i.e. orthopedics or chirurgics) or their urgency level (the ESI level in four colors: “white”, “green”, “yellow” and “red”). Depending on such internal variables, patients change their flow in the different activities of the Environment (i.e. registration, triage, visit, exams).


The model describes how to import a GraphML file (XML-based format for graphs) corresponding to the main path of a real ED in a 3D environment.


The model describes the functioning of an Emergency Department (ED), where agents are both patients (having different type of urgency level) and workers (nurses, doctors and social operators). They move on the real map of the ED, in a 3D environment created from a graph file. Time granularity is one second. The main rules of agents are: workers have a look to queues of the tasks in which they are involved. If there is (at least) a patient, they move to the corresponding area to do the service; patients move between tasks and the waiting area, from arrival in the ED until discharge. They may decide to leave the ED on special occasions.


The Wumpus World model (WumpusWorld.nlogo) is a tribute to the classical game of the first Artificial Intelligence studies. The Wumpus move around using mouse or keyboards (turn left, turn right, and go forward buttons). The goal is to grab the gold, get back to the lower-left square, and climb out of the cave.

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